This is a worthwhile and welcome change of approach. It’s time to put patient choice and trust at the heart of NHS data.
It’s been a busy holiday season for news on the FDP and Palantir. Read our guide to the most important updates.
The legal case for the FDP appears to be built on quicksand – and the government has serious question to answer over opting out.
This is about your right to control who sees your health record and how this country should handle our collected health data.
We’ve launched an emergency petition calling for Palantir’s NHS Federated Data Platform takeover to be dropped. Will you add your name?
Along with Just Treatment, Clive Lewis and 15,000 supporters, we urged the PM to pause the new £480m privately-run NHS database.
The campaign to ask MPs to hit pause on the £480m NHS Federated Data Platform is gathering pace. Find out more.
Recognition of some of the core issues is promising but there’s a lot still missing from Labour’s statement.