Join us in calling on the UK Health Secretary to stop Palantir’s NHS data takeover

Area of work: Protect NHS data for the public good

Tagged with: FDP, NHS, Palantir, UK

The huge new Palantir NHS data contract still hasn’t been announced, and now we’re hearing the delays go right to the top. 

It was rumoured that the previous UK Health Secretary, Steve Barclay, was worried about the unpopularity of plans for the Federated Data Platform, delaying its final approval.

Now a new Health Secretary has been appointed – Victoria Atkins.

We’ve launched an emergency petition to Ms Atkins, asking her to scrap this deal once and for all. Please can you add your name, calling for the NHS Palantir data takeover to be dropped?

It’s not surprising that Steve Barclay was worried about the level of opposition to this contract – because there are so many reasons to oppose it. 

Palantir is a dodgy US spy tech corporation and these plans would lock in a costly plan for NHS data which rides roughshod over patient choice, and lacks safeguards to protect our data from private companies.

A huge range of organisations and individuals have been raising concerns. Foxglove has been working with patients’ groups and doctors’ groups, and challenging the plans in the courts and in parliament. Thousands of Foxglove supporters have signed petitions and open letters, and written to their MPs. Finally, there are signs that it might be working.

This could be our last chance. So let’s move fast, and build a big petition to the Health Secretary telling her to cancel the plan, once and for all.

Please sign and share the petition today.

*UPDATED 13/11/23 to reflect the UK government reshuffle and a new Secretary of State for Health and Social Care*