Amazon UK warehouses: more strikes and more donations to the strike fund from Foxglove supporters

Area of work: Justice for tech workers

Tagged with: Amazon, Amazon UK, Coventry, UK

Momentum continues to build for Amazon UK warehouse workers in their fightback against inhumane working conditions, insulting pay, and invasive workplace surveillance. 

Last month saw workers and their GMB union at the Coventry warehouse apply for legal recognition of a union. Coventry workers then took part in a two-day strike, the latest in a long-running series of strikes since they staged the historic first-ever UK Amazon warehouse strike last year. 

This was followed by a first ever strike at Amazon’s new Sutton Coldfield Warehouse – which only opened last October. GMB says that union membership numbers are increasing extremely quickly.

Amazon and its billionaire boss, Jeff Bezos, are notorious for their union-busting tactics around the world. Bezos correctly sees unions as a threat to his harmful business model. Amazon piles up huge profits by treating its warehouse and delivery drivers appallingly, with insecure contracts, low pay, and harsh working conditions. Forming trade unions gives Amazon workers a collective voice and many more tools to fight back.

Foxglove is proud to stand with Amazon workers and GMB and to provide legal support as they apply for trade union recognition. We’re also really proud to have raised funds for the Amazon workers’ strike fund. We’ve now in total raised over £10,000. Amanda from the GMB has the following message for all the Foxglove supporters who’ve chipped in:

“A huge thank you to everyone who donated to the strike fund. It makes a real difference, without the ongoing support, workers would be literally starved back to work and their voices silenced.

“It’s so motivating knowing many people are behind us. Last week’s strike went well, and the feeling of determination in the workers is growing stronger with every strike day.

“Our struggle for better pay and union recognition continues – it’s great to have Foxglove’s support.”

We hope to be able to share further updates on the union recognition application soon. In the meantime, please consider donating to the strike fund if you haven’t already, by hitting the button below: